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- The Roving Reporter at SOFTCON: Part 2
- === ====== ======== == ======== ==== =
- Other companies were doing the 64
- thing as well. Sight & Sound Inter-
- national Inc., one of the world's lar-
- gest sheet-music publishers, and Ryo
- Kawasaki, "a gifted Japanese guitarist
- and visionary electronics wizard",
- have joined together to bring 64 own-
- ers the Kawasaki Synthesizer, one of
- the most advanced SID-chip synthesizer
- programs for the 64 I have ever seen.
- Batteries Included has several home
- and business products such as the Home
- Organizer series of specialized Data
- Base Management programs, including
- specialized programs for keeping track
- of stamp collections, photographs &
- slides & home movies, mailing lists,
- home inventory, recipes, checkbook,
- audio/video equipment, and even a pro-
- gram called "Electronic Address Book".
- They also make the BusCard II IEEE-488
- and Centronics Parallel Interface unit
- with BASIC V4.0, which claims to be
- totally invisible to all other hard-
- ware & software; the B.I.-80 80 column
- adapter which claims to have no flick-
- ering, hashing or interference pro-
- blems that characterize competetive
- units (Oh yeah! It also has BASIC V4);
- The Consultant (formerly Delphi's Or-
- acle), a general Data Base Management
- program; PaperClip, a word processor;
- and SpellPack, a spelling checker.
- Abacus Software makes many products
- for the 64 including Synthy-64, a mus-
- ic language; UltraBASIC-64, an exten-
- sion package to BASIC that adds 50 ex-
- tra commands for graphics, music, Tur-
- tle graphics, sprites, etc.; Super
- Disk Utility-64, a versatile disk copy
- and zap utility package; Pool-64/20,
- a hires Pool simulation ("8-ball off 2
- racks into the corner pocket") for the
- 64 and VIC-20; Chartpak-64, a menu-
- driven business-graphics program;
- Chartplot-64, as above but with exter-
- nal plotter support; Mercure-64, a
- file-management program; Graphics De-
- signer-64, a menu-driven program for
- floor-plans, illustrations, etc.;
- Screen Graphics-64, an extension to
- BASIC that adds 24 hires, multicolor,
- and sprite commands; Tiny BASIC and
- Pascal COMPILERS and a Tiny Forth in-
- terpreter; Checkbook Manager-64; and
- Master-64, a professional software
- development system with BASIC V4.0,
- screen editing, report management,
- ISAM file management and a machine-
- language monitor. Master-64 and
- Chartplot-64 are Abacus Software's
- most expensive packages at $84.95,
- which should give you an idea of how
- competetivly priced they are.
- Quicksilva, the Game Lords, has a
- program called UltiSynth, which is a
- rhythm and melody type music synthe-
- sizer program; plus the games Aqua-
- plane, Purple Turtles, Ring of Power,
- Quintic Warrior and Sting.
- PSYCOMP Self-Help Software address-
- es subjects like Coping with Stress,
- Handling Depressed Feelings, Handling
- Relationship Problems, and Treating
- Sexual Problems. The president of the
- company is a licensed psychotherapist.
- Computer Software Associates, ma-
- kers of PractiCalc, introduced PS: The
- Programmable Spreadsheet, which allows
- the user to expand the program's capa-
- bilities with BASIC; PractiFile, a
- data-base program; Inventory 64, an
- inventory-tracking program, 64 Pak, a
- collection of 10 educational programs
- for children; Tiny Tutor, a math tutor
- with sound and graphics; 64 Doctor,
- a complete set of diagnostics for the
- 64, 1541, etc.; Total Health, a nutri-
- tional computation aid; and Zeppelin
- Rescue, an arcade-style game.
- Koala Technologies demonstrated
- several new packages for their Koala
- Pad, including Logo Design Master,
- Paint-A-Rhyme, Spider Eater, Dancing
- Bear, and others.
- InfoDesigns showed their Management
- Accounting Software Solutions series,
- including AR, AP, Payroll, Inventory,
- and of course, General Ledger.
- Tymac, maker of The Connection par-
- allel printer interface, announced
- their "Tymac Talkies", a series of
- games with speech that requires no
- speech synthesizers. These are very
- good arcade games, with excellent gra-
- phics. There are four at present:
- First Strike, Gandalf the Sorcerer,
- Pegasus and the Trials of Perseus, and
- Flyer Fox.
- Systems Management Associates demo-
- ed CodePro-64, a system of program-
- ming tutorials and aids.
- All in all, it was a really big
- show, and not even this Roving Repor-
- ter could cover all the exhibits in
- only three days!
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